天博科技 天博《自然》(20230914出版)一周论文导读—新闻—科学网 来源:天博企业 发表时间: 2024-08-22


Nature, Volume 621 Issue 7978, 14 September 2023



Subsecond periodic radio oscillations in a microquasar


▲ 作者:Pengfu Tian, Ping Zhang, Wei Wang, Pei Wang, Xiaohui Sun, Jifeng Liu, Bing Zhang, Zigao Dai, Feng Yuan, Shuangnan Zhang, Qingzhong Liu, Peng Jiang, Xuefeng Wu, Zheng Zheng, Jiashi Chen, Di Li, Zonghong Zhu, Zhichen Pan, Hengqian Gan, Xiao Chen Na Sai

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▲ 择要:

强盛的相对于论性喷流是所有标准吸积黑洞遍及存于的特性之一。GRS1915 + 105是一个闻名的倏地扭转黑洞X射线双星,超光速射电发射运动注解其具备相对于论性喷流,被称为 微类星体 。已往30年里,它体现出连续的X射线勾当,X射线带的准周期振荡约为1至10Hz和34以及67Hz。


▲ Abstract:

Powerful relativistic jets are one of the ubiquitous features of accreting black holes in all scales. GRS 1915 + 105 is a well-known fast-spinning black-hole X-ray binary with a relativistic jet, termed a microquasar , as indicated by its superluminal motion of radio emission. It has exhibited persistent X-ray activity over the last 30 years, with quasiperiodic oscillations of approximately 1 10 Hz and 34 and 67 Hz in the X-ray band. These oscillations probably originate in the inner accretion disk, but other origins have been considered11. Radio observations found variable light curves with quasiperiodic flares or oscillations with periods of approximately 20 50 min. Here we report two instances of approximately 5-Hz transient periodic oscillation features from the source detected in the 1.05- to 1.45-GHz radio band that occurred in January 2021 and June 2022. Circular polarization was also observed during the oscillation phase.

Quantum oscillations of the quasiparticle lifetime in a metal


▲ 作者::Nico Huber, Valentin Leeb, Andreas Bauer, Georg Benka, Johannes Knolle, Christian Pfleiderer Marc A. Wilde

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▲ Abstract:

Following nearly a century of research, it remains a puzzle that the low-lying excitations of metals are remarkably well explained by effective single-particle theories of non-interacting bands. The abundance of interactions in real materials raises the question of direct spectroscopic signatures of phenomena beyond effective single-particle, single-band behaviour. Here we report the identification of quantum oscillations (QOs) in the three-dimensional topological semimetal CoSi, which defy the standard description in two fundamental aspects. First, the oscillation frequency corresponds to the difference of semiclassical quasiparticle (QP) orbits of two bands, which are forbidden as half of the trajectory would oppose the Lorentz force. Second, the oscillations exist up to above 50 K, in strong contrast to all other oscillatory components, which vanish below a few kelvin. Our findings are in excellent agreement with generic model calculations of QOs of the QP lifetime (QPL). Because the only precondition for their existence is a nonlinear coupling of at least two electronic orbits, for example, owing to QP scattering on defects or collective excitations, such QOs of the QPL are generic for any metal featuring Landau quantization with several orbits. They are consistent with certain frequencies in topological semimetals unconventi�첩onal superconductors10,11, rare-earth compounds and Rashba systems, and permit to identify and gauge correlation phenomena, for example, in two-dimensional materials and multiband metals.


Sustainably sourced components to generate high-strength adhesives


▲ 作者:Clayton R. Westerman, Bradley C. McGill Jonathan J. Wilker

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▲ Abstract:

Nearly all adhesives are derived from petroleum, create permanent bonds, frustrate materials separation for recycling and prevent degradation in landfills. When trying to shift from petroleum feedstocks to a sustainable materials ecosystem, available options suffer from low performance, high cost or lack of availability at the required scales. Here we present a sustainably sourced adhesive system, made from epoxidized soy oil, malic acid and tannic acid, with performance comparable to that of current industrial products. Joints can be cured under conditions ranging from use of a hair dryer for 5 min to an oven at 180 C for 24 h. Adhesion between metal substrates up to around 18 MPa is achieved, and, in the best cases, performance exceeds that of a classic epoxy, the strongest modern adhesive. All components are biomass derived, low cost and already available in large quantities. Manufacturing at scale can be a simple matter of mixing and heating, suggesting that this new adhesive may contribute towards the sustainable bonding of materials.

Single molecule infrared spectroscopy in the gas phase


▲ 作者:Aaron Calvin, Scott Eierman, Zeyun Peng, Merrell Brzeczek, Lincoln Satterthwaite David Patterson

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▲ 择要:

光谱学是一种要害的阐发东西,提供了对于份子布局有价值的见解,并被广泛用在辨认化学样品。标志光谱学是作用光谱学的一种情势,此中经由过程掉去弱附着的惰性 标志 粒子(例如He、Ne、N2)来检测份子离子对于单个光子的接收。




▲ Abstract:

Spectroscopy is a key analytical tool that provides valuable insight into molecular structure and is widely used to identify chemical samples. Tagging spectroscopy is a form of action spectroscopy in which the absorption of a single photon by a molecular ion is detected via the loss of a weakly attached, inert tag particle (for example, He, Ne, N2). The absorption spectrum is derived from the tag loss rate as a function of incident radiation frequency. So far, all spectroscopy of gas phase polyatomic molecules has been restricted to large molecular ensembles, thus complicating spectral interpretation by the presence of multiple chemical and isomeric species. Here we present a novel tagging spectroscopic scheme to analyse the purest possible sample: a single gas phase molecule. We demonstrate this technique with the measurement of the infrared spectrum of a single gas phase tropylium (C7H7+) molecular ion. The high sensitivity of our method revealed spectral features not previously observed using traditional tagging methods. Our approach, in principle, enables analysis of multicomponent mixtures by identifying constituent molecules one at a time. Single molecule sensitivity extends action spectroscopy to rare samples, such as those of extraterrestrial origin or to reactive reaction intermediates formed at number densities that are too low for traditional action methods.

生态以及天气Ecology Climate

Marine heatwaves are not a dominant driver of change in demersal fishes


▲ 作者:Alexa L. Fredston, William W. L. Cheung, Thomas L. Fr licher, Zo J. Kitchel, Aurore A. Maureaud, James T. Thorson, Arnaud Auber, Bastien M rigot, Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, Maria Lourdes D. Palomares, Laur ne Pecuchet, Nancy L. Shackell Malin L. Pinsky

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▲ Abstract:

Marine heatwaves have been linked to negative ecological effects in recent decades. If marine heatwaves regularly induce co妹妹unity reorganization and biomass collapses in fishes, the consequences could be catastrophic for ecosystems, fisheries and human co妹妹unities. However, the extent to which marine heatwaves have negative impacts on fish biomass or co妹妹unity composition, or even whether their effects can be distinguished from natural and sampling variability, remains unclear. We investigated the effects of 248 sea-bottom heatwaves from 1993 to 2019 on marine fishes by analysing 82,322 hauls (samples) from long-term scientific surveys of continental shelf ecosystems in North America and Europe spanning the subtropics to the Arctic. Here we show that the effects of marine heatwaves on fish biomass were often minimal and could not be distinguished from natural and sampling variability. Furthermore, marine heatwaves were not consistently associated with tropicalization (gain of warm-affiliated species) or deborealization (loss of cold-affiliated species) in these ecosystems. Although steep declines in biomass occasionally occurred after marine heatwaves, these were the exception, not the rule. Against the highly variable backdrop of ocean ecosystems, marine heatwaves have not driven biomass change or co妹妹unity turnover in fish co妹妹unities that support many of the world s largest and most productive fisheries.

Persistent equatorial Pacific iron limitation under ENSO forcing


▲ 作者:Thomas J. Browning, Mak A. Saito, Shungudzemwoyo P. Garaba, Xuechao Wang, Eric P. Achterberg, C. Mark Moore, Anja Engel, Matthew R. Mcllvin, Dawn Moran, Daniela Voss, Oliver Zielinski Alessandro Tagliabue

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▲ Abstract:

Projected responses of ocean net primary productivity to climate change are highly uncertain1. Models suggest that the climate sensitivity of phytoplankton nutrient limitation in the low-latitude Pacific Ocean plays a crucial role, but this is poorly constrained by observations. Here we show that changes in physical forcing drove coherent fluctuations in the strength of equatorial Pacific iron limitation through multiple El Ni o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles, but that this was overestimated twofold by a state-of-the-art climate model. Our assessment was enabled by first using a combination of field nutrient-addition experiments, proteomics and above-water hyperspectral radiometry to show that phytoplankton physiological responses to iron limitation led to approximately threefold changes in chlorophyll-normalized phytoplankton fluorescence. We then exploited the 18-year satellite fluorescence record to quantify climate-induced nutrient limitation variability. Such synoptic constraints provide a powerful approach for benchmarking the realism of model projections of net primary productivity to climate changes.


上一篇:天博全球首个,四川大学研发心源性卒中可降解封堵器—新闻—科学网 下一篇:天博喀什揭牌新学院,获上海16所高校骨干帮扶支持—新闻—科学网