天博科技 天博《科学》(20231006出版)一周论文导读—新闻—科学网 来源:天博企业 发表时间: 2024-05-07

Science,6 OCT 2023, VOL 382, ISSUE 6666




An atomic-scale multi-qubit platform


▲ 作者:Yu Wang, Yi Chen, Hong T. Bui, Christoph Wolf, Masahiro Haze, Cristina Mier, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.ade5050

▲ �첩择要:




▲ Abstract

Individual electron spins in solids are promising candidates for quantum science and technology, where bottom-up assembly of a quantum device with atomically precise couplings has long been envisioned. Here, we realized atom-by-atom construction, coherent operations, and readout of coupled electron-spin qubits using a scanning tunneling microscope. To enable the coherent control of “remote” qubits that are outside of the tunnel junction, we complemented each electron spin with a local magnetic field gradient from a nearby single-atom magnet. Readout was achieved by using a sensor qubit in the tunnel junction and implementing pulsed double electron spin resonance. Fast single-, two-, and three-qubit operations were thereby demonstrated in an all-electrical fashion. Our angstrom-scale qubit platform may enable quantum functionalities using electron spin arrays built atom by atom on a surface.

质料科学Materials Science

Transonic dislocation propagation in diamond


▲ 作者:Kento Katagiri, Tatiana Pikuz, Lichao Fang, Bruno Albertazzi, Shunsuke Egashira, Yuichi Inubushi, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adh5563

▲ 择要:




▲ Abstract

The motion of line defects (dislocations) has been studied for more than 60 years, but the maximum speed at which they can move is unresolved. Recent models and atomistic simulations predict the existence of a limiting velocity of dislocation motion between the transonic and subsonic ranges at which the self-energy of dislocation diverges, though they do not deny the possibility of the transonic dislocations. We used femtosecond x-ray radiography to track ultrafast dislocation motion in shock-compressed single-crystal diamond. By visualizing stacking faults extending faster than the slowest sound wave speed of diamond, we show the evidence of partial dislocations at their leading edge moving transonically. Understanding the upper limit of dislocation mobility in crystals is essential to accurately model, predict, and control the mechanical properties of materials under extreme conditions.

A quantum ruler for orbital magnetism in moiré quantum matter莫尔量子物资中轨道磁性的量子标尺

▲ 作者:M. R. Slot, Y. Maximenko, P. M. Haney, S. Kim, D. T. Walkup, E. Strelcov, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adf2040

▲ 择要:




▲ Abstract

For almost a century, magnetic oscillations have been a powerful “quantum ruler” for measuring Fermi surface topology. In this study, we used Landau-level spectroscopy to unravel the energy-resolved valley-contrasting orbital magnetism and large orbital magnetic susceptibility that contribute to the energies of Landau levels of twisted double-bilayer graphene. These orbital magnetism effects led to substantial deviations from the standard Onsager relation, which manifested as a breakdown in scaling of Landau-level orbits. These substantial magnetic responses emerged from the nontrivial quantum geometry of the electronic structure and the large length scale of the moiré lattice potential. Going beyond traditional measurements, Landau-level spectroscopy performed with a scanning tunneling microscope offers a complete quantum ruler that resolves the full energy dependence of orbital magnetic properties in moiré quantum matter.


The oscillating Fischer-Tropsch reaction


▲ 作者:Rui Zhang, Yong Wang, Pierre Gaspard Norbert Kruse

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adh8463

▲ 择要:


研究组展现了于220℃以及反映物分压相等的前提下,钴与铈原子比为2:1 (Co2Ce1)的钴/铈氧化物催化剂于较永劫间( 24小时)内自我维持的非等温速度以及选择性振荡。


▲ Abstract

The mechanistic steps that underlie the formation of higher hydrocarbons in catalytic carbon monoxide (CO) hydrogenation at atmospheric pressure over cobalt-based catalysts (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) have remained poorly understood. We reveal nonisothermal rate-and-selectivity oscillations that are self-sustained over extended periods of time ( 24 hours) for a cobalt/cerium oxide catalyst with an atomic ratio of cobalt to cerium of 2:1 (Co2Ce1) at 220°C and equal partial pressures of the reactants. A microkinetic mechanism was used to generate rate-and-selectivity oscillations through forced temperature oscillations. Experimental and theoretical oscillations were in good agreement over an extended range of reactant pressure ratios. Additionally, phase portraits for hydrocarbon production were constructed that support the thermokinetic origin of our rate-and-selectivity oscillations.


More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia


▲ 作者:JVinicius Peripato, Carolina Levis, Guido A. Moreira, Dani Gamerman, Hans ter Steege, Nigel C. A. Pitman, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.ade2541

▲ 择要:




▲ Abstract

Indigenous societies are known to have occupied the Amazon basin for more than 12,000 years, but the scale of their influence on Amazonian forests remains uncertain. We report the discovery, using LIDAR (light detection and ranging) information from across the basin, of 24 previously undetected pre-Columbian earthworks beneath the forest canopy. Modeled distribution and abundance of large-scale archaeological sites across Amazonia suggest that between 10,272 and 23,648 sites remain to be discovered and that most will be found in the southwest. We also identified 53 domesticated tree species significantly associated with earthwork occurrence probability, likely suggesting past management practices. Closed-canopy forests across Amazonia are likely to contain thousands of undiscovered archaeological sites around which pre-Columbian societies actively modified forests, a discovery that opens opportunities for better understanding the magnitude of ancient human influence on Amazonia and its current state.

Independent age estimates resolve the controversy of ancient human footprints at White Sands


▲ 作者:Jeffrey S. Pigati, Kathleen B. Springer, Jeffrey S. Honke, David Wahl, Marie R. Champagne, Susan R. H. Zi妹妹erman, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adh5007

▲ 择要:



▲ Abstract

Human footprints at White Sands National Park, New Mexico, USA, reportedly date to between ~23,000 and 21,000 years ago according to radiocarbon dating of seeds from the aquatic plant Ruppia cirrhosa. These ages remain controversial because of potential old carbon reservoir effects that could compromise their accuracy. We present new calibrated 14C ages of terrestrial pollen collected from the same stratigraphic horizons as those of the Ruppia seeds, along with optically stimulated luminescence ages of sediments from within the human footprint–bearing sequence, to evaluate the veracity of the seed ages. The results show that the chronologic framework originally established for the White Sands footprints is robust and reaffirm that humans were present in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum.


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